
Thanks for visiting my site. My Passion is diving and underwater photography, I have been taking pictures of shipwrecks for about 17years, mostly with a Nikonos system, but 6 years ago I changed to a digital setup, this consists of a Canon 5D mkII;with 15mm and 16-35mm zoom lens; in a Hugyfot housing with twin Inon flashguns. The digital setup gives the quality images that are for sale here. I live in the UK and after 2 World Wars have a wealth of wrecks to dive on, unfortunately the visibility is usually too poor for photography and the boats do not cater for expensive equipment. I have been using rebreathers for 16 years now, they are excellent for photography because inside a wreck there are no bubbles to dislodge the rusticles that cause “flash back”, and outside the fish take no notice of you. I hope you enjoy my site and maybe buy a picture. If you have any questions about underwater photography and think I may be able to help; place you question on the contact page.